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Farm Dty Mtr, CapStrt, TEAO, 1/2hp, 1725rpm

Farm Duty Motor, Capacitor-Start, 1/2 HP, Nameplate RPM 1725, Voltage 115/208-230, 1 Phase, Frame 56, Totally Enclosed Air-Over, Full Load Amps 6.0/3.2-3.0, 60 Hz, Cradle Mounting, Thermal Protection Auto, Insulation Class B, Service Factor 1.4, Ball Bearings, Max. Ambient Temperature 40 Degrees C, CW/CCW Rotation, Overall Length 10-3/8 In., Shaft Dia. 5/8 In., Shaft Length 1-7/8 In., Frame Material Steel
Номер модели:
Страна производства:
Вес (кг):
5JKW9 Farm Dty Mtr, CapStrt, TEAO, 1/2hp, 1725rpm
Item: Farm Duty Motor
Motor Type: Capacitor-Start
Enclosure: Totally Enclosed Air-Over
HP: 1/2
Nameplate RPM: 1725
NEMA/IEC Frame: 56
Frame: 56
Rotation: CW/CCW
Voltage: 115/208-230
Full Load Amps: 6.0/3.2-3.0
Phase: 1
Hz: 60
Mounting: Cradle
Mounting Position: Horizontal
Bearings: Ball
Frame Material: Steel
Finish: Green Epoxy
Thermal Protection: Auto
Service Factor: 1.4
Max. Ambient Temperature: 40 Degrees C
Shaft Dia.: 5/8"
Shaft Length: 1-7/8"
Shaft Type: Keyed
Length Less Shaft: 8-1/2"
Overall Length: 10-3/8"
Insulation Class: B
RPM Range: 1400-1800
Duty: Continuous Air Over
Standards: UL Recognized (E37403), CSA Certified
Альтернативная продукция:
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